Originally published on Bolingbrook Patch on July 24, 2024

DuPage Township residents came out in force Monday to voice their opinion regarding a rate increase proposed by Illinois American Water.

Over 300 people packed the Township’s Senior (Levy) Center, overflowing on to seats set up on the center’s patio.

“The crowd sent a strong message to the Illinois Commerce Commission, the Illinois State Senate and Governor Pritzer that this proposed increase is unacceptable,” said DuPage Township Supervisor Gary Marschke.

The public forum, one of only four in the state was, presented by the Illinois Commerce Commission in cooperation with DuPage Township and the Village of Bolingbrook.

During the more than 90-minute public comment portion about 30 people spoke to representatives from Illinois American Water, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB), the Village of Bolingbrook and DuPage Township. CUB is an advocacy group for utility customers created by the Illinois General Assembly.

State Senator Rachel Ventura and State Representative Dee Avelar also addressed the room. They have publicly spoken against the rate increase.

“We cannot continue to put profit over people,” said Ventura. “I strongly believe that water should not be privatized at all, as it is essential to all life, but this particular fight is about putting the interests of the residents of Bolingbrook first – not a private company. I stand with the residents of Bolingbrook, Citizens Utility Board, and the Village of Bolingbrook in asking to deny this rate hike.”