MINOOKA – Following the public open house regarding Canadian National’s proposed Chicago Logistic Hub Intermodal Facility located off Rt. 6 in Channon held in Minooka on Tuesday, State Senator Rachel Ventura raised concerns over the lack of public commentary permitted on the project and the environmental and economic issues that the project could bring to the area.
Hundreds of residents were in attendance as well as elected officials, trade unions, and local police, all trying to learn more. Some residents were outraged with the project.
“It’s extremely disappointing to me that Canadian National is bringing this massive intermodal facility without giving the opportunity for the public to comment nor are they listening to the concerns of the very residents this plan will affect directly,” said Ventura (D-Joliet). “The area is already heavily impacted with increased truck traffic that causes accidents and unsafe driving conditions. I am vehemently opposed to this project as additional trucks on the road will add the ongoing problem of air pollution and many of these jobs are low wage jobs hurting our economy."
Previously, Canadian National has stated the city’s roads can readily handle the increased traffic with certain modifications. However, Ventura expressed concerns with how this would affect retail shops and increase traffic accidents as well as environmental impacts such as air and noise pollution.
“As any resident in the 43rd District could tell you, truck traffic has been a major concern for the area over the last few years – especially with additional warehouses put in residential areas - not just how it affects daily commuting but also the environment. If the project is moving forward, then serious consideration needs to be given to the fairness of Minooka,” said Ventura.
Ventura emphasized that the project, as is, involves rerouting trucks onto roads that are not appropriate like Ridge Rd or McLindon Rd. While land is being acquired by CN from the Village of Channahon, Minooka's roads will be used if traffic cannot be directed through the Brisbin Road interchange.
"This project will add three million more trucks to I-80. It is critical to ensure the Brisbin Road exit is the sole route for truck traffic. Careful planning of truck flow is essential, and this must remain a top priority."
Ventura plans to attend any future public meetings hosted by Canadian National on this planned facility as well as public hearings from the Village of Channahon and Minooka.