JOLIET – Following the announcement of Ascension selling St. Joseph’s Hospital to Prime Health Care – a for-profit California based company – State Senator Rachel Ventura released the following statement:
“After hearing the announcement that Ascension will be switching to an out-of-state company, I immediately thought of all the nurses and medical staff that I have been on the picket line with for months.
“They are our friends, family, and the people who sacrifice everything to keep us safe and healthy.
“I remain steadfast in my support of all the staff at St. Joe’s. I have been in contact with Ascension to plan a town hall in order to provide answers to the community. When we have finalized more details, I intend to invite hospital employees and the community to attend.
“Ascension has assured me that all staff positions will remain during the transition. Our nurses are our lifeline and I will never stop fighting to ensure their voices are heard and that they are treated fairly. Day in and day out they fight for us – we should all fight for them too.”
Originally published on Bolingbrook Patch on July 24, 2024
DuPage Township residents came out in force Monday to voice their opinion regarding a rate increase proposed by Illinois American Water.
Over 300 people packed the Township’s Senior (Levy) Center, overflowing on to seats set up on the center’s patio.
BOLINGBROOK – Following Illinois American Water’s $152 million rate-hike request to the Illinois Commerce Commission, State Senator Rachel Ventura (D-Joliet) released the following statement prior to joining the Citizens Utility Board on Monday evening to urge the ICC to reject the requested rate hike:
“Water is essential to all life. We cannot allow profits to be put over people. I believe water should never be privatized for this reason.
“The ICC has an opportunity to protect Bolingbrook residents’ access to water today – by cutting the increases drastically, getting rid of the QIP surcharge on water bills, and giving these residents a voice. Residents should not have to be burdened with paying “executive bonuses” for the company’s shareholders.
“I will continue to work with my colleagues to protect access to clean, affordable drinking water.”
SPRINGFIELD – School districts will now be required to provide resources and services for special education students who do not have a guardian under a new law backed by State Senator Rachel Ventura.
“This law was crafted to advocate for special high needs education students who do not have a guardian to petition schools to provide resources for them,” said Ventura (D-Joliet). “Everybody deserves an education that provides them the resources they need to succeed. We cannot in good conscience leave these students to fend for themselves if they need a specialized school to meet their needs so they can succeed.”
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